
Remapper output

Posted on: 2015-03-09

I thought I'd post the output of the remap compiler in it's simple 'assembler'. There as two 'registers' N and M that point to the offset to copy between, with N offsetting the source, and M offsetting the destination. The two columns on the left of the code sequence below are the values in N and M. I've ordered the operations such that the destination offsets are in order meaning that its often only the source offset that needs to be modified. All instructions will modify the N and M registers such that they are pointing to the following element reducing again the need for N and M  skip instructions.

The 'REMAPPER' instruction means run a custom remapper, which can do specialized conversions. Here it's used for copying smart pointers, and enum remapping which the values/flags change. 'CONVERTER' runs a conversion between types - for example converting a UInt8 to UInt16.

Somewhat confusingly non skip instructions ending in '_N' mean that they are to be repeated multiple times.

The instruction stream was produced on x86/mscv - depending on C++ compiler and processor a different instruction stream may be produced, because of word size, alignment, and class layout rules.

   0   0 - SKIP_SRC     104
 104   0 - REMAPPER     TypeCopyRemapper TObjPtr<String>
 108   4 - SKIP_SRC     -16
  92   4 - REMAPPER     EnumRemapper@0x093004d0
  93   6 - SKIP_SRC     -29
  64   6 - CONVERT      INT32 UINT8
  68   7 - SKIP_SRC_DST -56 1
  12   8 - CONVERT_N    FLOAT32 FLOAT64 [3]
  24  32 - SKIP_SRC     44
  68  32 - COPY_4_N     [3]
  80  44 - SKIP_DST     4
  80  48 - COPY_4_N     [3]
  92  60 - SKIP_SRC_DST_SAME 4
  96  64 - REMAPPER     FlagRemapper@0x093009a0
  98  68 - SKIP_SRC     -4
  94  68 - REMAPPER     EnumRemapper@0x093011a0
  96  72 - SKIP_SRC     4
 100  72 - REMAPPER     FlagRemapper@0x09301670
 104  76 - SKIP_SRC     -104
   0  76 - REMAPPER     TypeCopyRemapper Array<TObjPtr<String>>
  12  88 - SKIP_SRC     40
  52  88 - REMAPPER     TypeCopyRemapper Array<Int32>
  64 100 - SKIP_SRC     -40
  24 100 - REMAPPER_N  EnumRemapper@0x09301d40 [3]
  36 112 - REMAPPER_N  FlagRemapper@0x09301670 [4]
  52 128 - DONE

The code produced above came from producing a remapper between the two classes below. The classes have no purpose other than to test out the system in the test harness.

enum class SrcEnum: Int8 
    A = 10,
    B = 20,
    C = 93
enum class DstEnum: Int16
    A = 11,
    B = -2,
    C = -1
enum class SrcEnumFlag:UInt16
    R = 0x0004,
    G = 0x0800,
    B = 0x0010,
    A = 0x8000,
enum class DstEnumFlag:UInt32
    R = 0x80000000,
    G = 0x00000020,
    B = 0x00004000,
    A = 0x00000001,
class SrcClass
    TArray<StringRef> m_stringArray;
    Float32 m_arrayConvert[3];
    TEnum<ESrcEnum, UInt32> m_tempEnumArray[3];
    TEnumFlags<ESrcEnumFlag, UInt32> m_tempFlagsArray[4];
    TArray<Int> m_intArray;
    Int m_a;
    Vec3 m_vecArray[2];
    ESrcEnum m_enum;
    TEnum<ESrcEnum, UInt16> m_tempEnum;
    ESrcEnumFlag m_flags;
    TEnumFlags<ESrcEnumFlag, UInt32> m_tempFlags;
    StringRef m_string;

class DstClass
    StringRef m_string;
    EDstEnum m_enum;
    UInt8 m_a;
    Float64 m_arrayConvert[3];
    Vec4 m_vecArray[2];
    EDstEnumFlag m_flags;
    TEnum<EDstEnum, UInt32> m_tempEnum;
    TEnumFlags<EDstEnumFlag, UInt32> m_tempFlags;
    TArray<StringRef> m_stringArray;
    TArray<Int> m_intArray;
    TEnum<EDstEnum, UInt32> m_tempEnumArray[3];
    TEnumFlags<EDstEnumFlag, UInt32> m_tempFlagsArray[4];